14/12/2024: It's only been a couple of days since I last wrote a log but things have happened and I am here to write about it!  Last night at the old age of 23 Mimitchi (white/green cartoon Tama) took off in his space ship! We were watching the show "Mom" on Plex when the dreaded beeping began.  I am glad I was able to be there to give him a final send off! I told him I'd do my best to get him back in time for Christmas. :)

Then this morning when I woke up to check on my Tams I realized that one of my Blitzgreymon's on my Black DigiMon passed away.  I'm not sure why since I gave them both the same level of care....! Anyways, I have a 15 year old Blitzgreymon still living on my black Digi for now thankfully.  As for my clear purple DigiMon I've had yet another evolution on that one!  I currently have a 12 year old Banchomamemon (version 1) and an 11 year old Skullmammothmon (version 2).  I can't get over just how many stages/secret characters there are.  These characters were not on the 1997 versions as far as I know.... Either way it's all very interesting. I look forward to raising more of the different version eggs in the future!! :)

This morning at 10:16am I decided to hatch two Tamas at the same time. I restarted my white/green cartoon Tama and my Ginjirotchi Comic Tama together. :) I am hoping to get a Mimitchi and a Ginjirotchi to have with me over the holidays, but I am not sure if I'll be successful or not. I have a *really* busy week approaching full of social gatherings, appointments, and various other errands and things to do!  I plan to have my Tamas there with me for all of it but I don't know if I'll get the characters I want. They are both Marutchi and Tonmarutchi and easy as ever to care for.  I just love them...! :) So far I have their discipline up to 50%.  My Tonmarutchi was sick while Marutchi was not.... I've given them the same level of care, yet only one of them got sick.  I hope neither of them die!  I want a Mimitchi and a Ginji for Christmas. :)

My Zatchi and Tarakotchi are still here! Zatchi is 13 years old and Tarakotchi is 10!  I know poor Tarakotchi won't be around for long so I've been pausing him here and there to extend his life further.....! Poor old stinky feet!  I am at a very comfortable five Tamagotchi's running now and I don't anticipate hatching anymore over the holidays.... Unless Tarakotchi dies and I may restart that Tama again... We'll see what happens.  It's going to be a busy Christmas!

I am showing the Tamas an old holiday favourite movie of mine: The Holiday (2006) with Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black and Cameron Diaz.  It has been one of my absolute favourites since I was in my late teens... :) Always brings back good memories.  I am positive I've written about this movie before on this website. :) I am glad to be sharing it with my remake Tams this evening. 

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