3/12/2024: Well I've been spending a lot of time at home lately as per usual. It's extra nice this time of year with all the Christmas lights and the tree up! Though my most favourite spot to be is the game room with the window candles, xmas fountain, mini lights and a glass light-up tree from the old house. :) I love it so much in here. Sometimes I light a Christmas candle too! Soon it'll be dark and I can turn on the window lights. :) My Tamas have been spending countless hours in here with me, hehe. I started up my blue/purple lightening Gen2 again last night! I'd originally started it November 30th but I had yet another premature death on this Tama, my third one this year in fact! On top of it dying prematurely the battery also died. :P I put a new battery in and started it back up last night. I currently have a 2 year old Tonmarutchi with 75% discipline. I really hope he makes it to adulthood... I've had nothing but problems with this particular Tama... Sigh... If he does make it to be an adult I am hoping for a Zukitchi, and then try for the US secret character, Zatchi. :) Since I last wrote my black DigiMon 20th Tama evolved. I am caring for two adult Greymons on the screen now. If all goes according to plan then they'll prolly change into Metal Greymon by the age of 6. I decided to hatch my clear purple DigiMon 20th last night but I've decided just to raise one character on this one. My clear purple was hatched in a group hatching with my friend Miguel AKA Gotchi Farmer! I overslept this morning and must have done some care mistakes by accident because I got the unhealthy teen, Betamon! I am rather happy about this because I recall finding it difficult to get the unhealthy ones on my 1997 Digi's. :) At least I know I will get someone besides Greymon! I love my clear purple Digimon sooo much. I've been looking up tips on the humulos.com DigiMon page. I'd really like to get a Seadramon or Airdramon.... I've done 3 care mistakes (lights on) with Betamon so I will get one of them. I can't recall if I ever got those ones on my 1997's.... Ahhh I just love these new Digimon so much. I can't wait to start a version 2 egg, but for now I'll just focus on my version 1's. Oh yes, now that I've hatched a second DigiMon I was able to battle them both the old fashioned way. So much fun!!! Kutchipatchi (purple/pink Tama) and hashizotchi (clear Green Tama) are 15 and 14 years of age today. I cannot believe they've made it this far! I've been feeding snacks to my kutchipatchi for the last two days now. I find it rather amazing how he's lived so long, even with snack feeding. Maybe it simply doesn't effect them after a certain age? I also must mention I've paused the two of them a little, but I am still impressed by their age. I also have a kutchipatchi on my 1996 Japanese p1 who is 11 years old. Ginjirotchi (clear orange Tama) is 21 years old today and very demanding. I have a feeling that my two Kutchipatchi, Hashizotchi and Ginji are all going to depart in close proximity to each other because of their old age.... Oh well... I am ready for it when it happens. :) I've been giving them all tons of Christmas spirit. This afternoon they got to watch half of the movie Christmas with the Kranks. :) My Tams and Digi's will be seeing a lot of Christmas shows/movies this month... Last night they were already asleep when I put on National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I will watch it again another night. My most easy going Tamagotchi at the moment is none other than my 13 year old Mimitchi (white/green cartoon Tama). He is only in the beginning phase of becoming demanding and (hopefully) has some time left before he departs.... You just don't know with these remakes. I've been keeping a close eye on Tonmarutchi on my blue lightening Tama, but sometimes no matter how good I take care of them they still die.... I think these Tams will always be somewhat of a mystery to me. Anyways.... I will likely be back later or tomorrow to report that four or more of my Tamas passed away. I'd love it if they all stayed around a few extra days but it's not likely. For now we are gonna go finish our movie and then get started on making dinner! It's 3:18pm now and already starting to get dark! Ohhh I just love my Christmas lights. :) Update: 3:41PM Hashizotchi (clear Green Tama) gone at 14 years of age....! Bye bye little one..! Now I am down to 7 Tamas... I just caught the last glimpse of him laying his egg as I was out of the room for a few minutes. Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |