29/11/2024: Well in honour of American Thanksgiving yesterday, poor Ginji (clear blue Tama) passed away at the old age of 22. He was full and happy when he left since I never took my eyes off him for the last days of his life. I played games with him right up till the end and I know that's why he made it as long as he did. :) I just love Ginji so much.... I'm glad I have another one of him on my clear orange Tama! He is 17 years old and just in the beginning stages of becoming needy. My Tams got to watch parts of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade yesterday! Other than that not much going on around here the last couple of days except a few errands here and there. Hashizotchi and Kutchipatchi are doing fine at 10 and 11 years old, though Hashi was just sick a moment ago and needed two doses of meds to get better. I know neither of them have long here so I try and make the best of the time I get with them. I'm sure glad I know a perfect/set method on how to get them since it makes their short lives easier to deal with. :) Mimitchi is only 9 years of age and oh so easy to care for! I check him 2-3 times before he even drops a heart. He definitely has a good long life in store for him! I hope I get him to 27 like I did on my argyle hearts Tama this past month. :) That would be great! Now for my big news! Last night I hatched my first *ever* 20th anniversary DigiMon. I hatched my black/gray wave 1 DigiMon and boy is it ever different from the 1998 version 1. On one hand it's just like caring for a 1998 one.... Just soooo much better! :) I have two Augumons on the screen that I'm raising together. They are so cute! And I am getting them trained to be good and strong, taking perfect care all the while. What's even cooler about these DigiMon's is that they can connect to the 1998 ones! :-D So I will DEFINITELY be running a 1998 one at some point. Oh yes speaking of 1990's Tamas -- My white/blue/pink swirls 1996 Japanese Tamagotch changed into Kutchipatchi yesterday. The lights on 3 nights at dusk worked!!!!! And I thought I had the 1990's ones all figured out! It's amazing to be still figuring out new things after 27 years. :) I am so happy! Okay I went off on a little tangent there heheh, back to my DigiMon. I am really excited to see who my two characters grow into! I would say I'll get a Greymon if my predictions are correct. :) I am so excited to start my clear purple DigiMon but I've agreed to start that one with Gotchi Farmer. For now I am just going to stick with this black Digi and see where things go. Oh one thing about the 20th anniversary Digi: they poop A LOT! :-P But other than that they're really easy to care for. Things are going really smoothly with them so far and they're both at 100% winning victory's. So that is all my Tamas up to date now! I know I will be back here in the coming days to report that Hashi and Kutchi have passed away since it's just in their programming to die so young. Then I'll decide if I wanna hatch another Gen1 and Gen2, maybe try for the secret characters!! :) I haven't seen Zatchi in soooo many years! And I still need to get the Japanese secret characters. I wouldn't even mind seeing old Bill again even though a lot of people don't like him. :P I think he's got character and the way he shakes his bum is always really funny to me. I also wouldn't mind seeing Kusatchi, Takotchi, or Nyrotchi. I've not had Tarakotchi yet on my remake at all! Still lots to do with my little originals. :) I'd say I'll be hatching some more gen1s and gen2s in early December... Which isn't that long away at all. :) Yay! Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |