25/11/2024: Well as usual I've lots to write about! I've been spending lots of good quality time with my Tamagotchi's this past weekend and hoping for the same going forward. They've been with me for everything! We've mostly just been hanging out at home watching Queer as Folk on Plex. :) Two days ago in honour of Tamagotchi's 28th birthday (November 23, 1996), Kat and I both hatched an original 1996 Japanese P1. Mine is white with baby blue trim, and pink & blue swirls around the shell. This one has always been a favourite of mine but I only ever raised it once back in 2016. Well we started our originals just shortly before 4pm on the 23rd and it's been fun! Boy is the programming of the 90's model ever slow compared to that of the remakes! I am actually happy to be raising a 90's model at the same time as my remakes so I can compare and contrast them. :) I'm leaving the lights on at night for my 1996 original to see if it counts as a care mistake or not. Time will tell! It is definitely *way* easier to manage than my remakes. That being said I still adore my remakes and I'm having a great time with them. Speaking of remakes I have plenty to write about those guys! I got kutchipatchi back on my purple/pink Tama this afternoon while out in the Jeep. Once again I've succeeded in getting an unhealthy adult from a healthy teen. I am ever so happy for this and it should also extend his life a little further. :) I am hoping for the same result on my clear green gen2 who is a day behind at age 6. I simply just leave the lights on at night, take perfect care, catch all disciplines and I get kutchipatchi/hashizotchi. :) So so happy! Can't wait for tomorrow to see who the clear green turns into.... I hope Hashizotchi! :) On the other hand I've been taking perfect care of my white/green cartoon Tama and making zero care mistakes -- I want a Mimitchi on this one for sure! I'd say I'll get him back late tomorrow or early Wednesday morning! And if not then I'll get Pochitchi which wouldn't be so bad either. I feel pretty confident that I'll get Mimitchi though. ;) Right now my white/Green Tama is age 5, a Tongaritchi and 100%+ disciplined! He is my youngest Tama in the group right now besides my 1996 Tama! The other two Tamas I have are both Ginjirotchi's, age 19 and 13 on my clear blue and clear orange Macy's Tamas! Clear blue Ginji is incredibly demanding at age 19 but I really don't mind. He is pretty agreeable when it comes to letting me win the game. I can't bare to feed him snacks because I want to keep him around as long as I possibly can. He is just the sweetest little Tama there ever was. I am going to time things properly next month and hatch a gen1 and gen2 Tama to get Ginji and Mimitchi to be around for the holidays. :). I have had many Mimitchi's and Ginjirotchi's during the previous years, but never on my remakes, hehe....! It's going to be a holiday season full of remakes!!! I still haven't gotten around to hatching a DigiMon 20th Anniversary edition yet but I will.... in time. :) I can't stop thinking about how wonderful it's going to be opening that Gen3 Tamagotchi Angel on Christmas morning! I hope it gets here in time since Canada Post is currently on strike. The Amazon tracking says it will be here December 9th but I guess we will see..! I've been chatting with Kat a lot the last few days. We have so much in common it's incredible! I am so happy to be raising Tamas with her again. If not for her then I don't think I would have given the remakes another chance at all! We are having so much fun and it turns out she has a 20th Anni Digimon too! Gotchi Farmer also wants to raise a Digi with me so maybe we could just do one big group hatching! Gotchi Farmer is so much fun to chat with as well. I have felt so fulfilled lately with so many Tama friends to chat with. I just wish we could all hang out in real life. :) I think the best shot I have at meeting other Tama fans would be to travel to Toronto where they have Tamagotchi meet-ups! The next one will be on December 8th but I doubt we will make it for that one. We will be able to stay with our friend China in Toronto if we do go there. It would be so much fun, but I am so afraid of flying!! :-/ Gotta think it over lots more. This is just something I need to experience. The last time I was on a plane was 2017 and I brought along my clear green with yellow buttons P1 Tama for the trip! Actually I hatched that Tama as the plane was lifting off if I remember correctly. :) I would like to involve my Tamas in that again someday! Well that about sums up todays log! Matthew is getting things ready for supper there now! Going to eat dinner with Matt and my Tamas and see what the evening has in store for us. :) Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |