21/11/2024: Well tonight I felt like hatching another Gen2 Tamagotchi so I picked my first and favourite remake I ever bought in the store, my white/green cartoon images one! It is such a gorgeous Tama and reminds me a lot of the white/green/red buttons Tamagotchi which was the first *ever* Tamagotchi that I got almost 27 years ago on Christmas morning as a little boy. I still have that Tama even though it's beaten up really badly. It's the one that started it all! :) Anyways on my newly hatched cartoon Tama I would really like to get Mimitchi back since I've been missing him a lot since he left me yesterday. Having the two Ginji's is helping a lot with little Mimitchi's absence. My clear blue Ginji is much more demanding than my clear orange Macy's Ginji but I really don't mind. I find myself playing games with them even when they don't need it. I simply love them! I had been meaning to leave the lights on for both my purple/pink and clear green Tamas but out of habit I turned them off again tonight. It's okay -- I will be doing lots of testing with the lights on method over the next while. I will just have to try again next time since they will both be teenagers soon. The good part is that I know I still have a chance at getting unhealthy adults from Tamatchi/Tongaritchi so it's not a big deal really. :) It will just make everything all that more mysterious. ;) I paused my 15 year old Ginji and 8 year old Kutchipatchi while I was out running errands today. I took my young Tamas along with me though. :) I don't want to take any chances of my older ones dying any earlier than they have to so I figure why not pause them when I don't have time for them. It just works out better in the long run! I hope I can get Ginji to live to be 22 this time.. ;) The Tamas have been getting to watch along to season 1 of one of my favourite shows Queer as Folk (2000). I originally watched it in my early 20's, long time ago in 2013, but deciding to watch it now in my 30's which is the age that the majority of the characters in the show are. I simply love it! I think my Tams are mature enough to watch such a show. ;) They will also be watching a lot of Christmas movies in the coming weeks! Ohhhh I'm so excited for Christmas... And I'm even more excited to get my new Gen3 Angel! I keep seeing pictures of them on Instagram and they are sooooo gorgeous, especially the dreamy Angel which I'm going to be getting. Oh yes also I must mention I haven't forgotten about my Digimon 20th anniversary editions! I think I am going to hatch a DigiMon early next week with Gotchi Farmer aka Miguel. :) Sooo excited for that. I think I'm going to hatch my clear pink Digi first because I just simply love any Tama that is see through.;) I also have a black 20th anniversary one, but the clear pink one takes the cake. I was so happy to see the clear pink one pop up on eBay at the time I got it because all of my DigiMon's from 1997 are boring/depressing colours like brown, grey and black. The reason for this is because the 1997 DigiMon's were geared specifically towards boys. Thankfully things are changing a quarter of a century later. ;) I've always loved a nice variety of colours especially when it comes to my virtual pets! Well little Ginji on my clear orange Tama just pooped so that tells me I need to finish this log here and go take care of my little ones. I will come back with another update when I have more changes to report of my Gen2's!! Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |