2024/10/09: I have so much to talk about! I've decided to start YET another new blog for my Tamagotchi's! I've done 4 separate blogs now in the last 10 years on this website! It started with my original Tamagotchi blogs in 2015, then onto the different incarnations in 2016/17, and then I did a whole separate section for the Connections! I thought the final one would be Ginji's Journal in 2020, but it turns out that the 2017 remakes need their very own section, hehe. :) Ginji's Journal is more of a general writing section which involves more than just virtual pets and I plan to keep going with that section. I have lots of other interests besides just Tamagotchi, but right now I am really into the remakes with my good friend Kat. :) All of the tamagotchi's I talk about in these blogs will be of the 2017-2022 remake Tams. And I am getting a 2024 Macy's Toys are Us edition this year from Kat! She is so good to me. I am so happy that they are continuing to make so many different colors and designs over the last seven years. I am praying they come out with Tama Angel and Garden again, but we won't get ahead of ourselves here now, hehe. So much has happened in the last couple of weeks! On September 29th I hatched my purple/pink US remake Tama with Kat! I was hesitant at first since I had one die on me at the beginning of September--my blue lightening bolt P2. This is sadly something that is all too common with the original remakes. These remake tams are extremely sensitive and can die easily. Of my 33 remake Tams that I've raised, 4 of them have died prematurely. Snacks are a huge no no in 2017's (except for the baby stage). I did the best I could with my little purple/pink Tama and ended up getting a Masukutchi as my adult. :) It was after I got my adult character that I decided to hatch several more. On October 5th I hatched my clear blue Japanese P1, which I had originally gotten at the time of release in 2018. I have always loved this particular Tama and on my 1997 one I would always get Ginji. :) I have only gotten a Ginjirotchi 3 times on my remake Tamas.... I have no idea how to get him. I can get a Ginji with my eyes closed on a 1997 original, but that is not the case with my remakes. I currently have a tamatchi age 5 on my clear blue Tama, and yesterday I hatched my white with black buttons Japanese P1. I am running more P1's and than I am P2's because I want to increase my chances of getting at least one Ginji before the month is out! On October the 6th I decided to even things out with at least one P2, so I restarted my blue/purple lightening bolt Tama -- a new design compared to the other 'original' colors I've been accustomed to buying. Oh yes, I have many other new designs that I plan on hatching this year! Kat and I are becoming a great team with the remakes, and we are going to crack the case on how to get the ever elusive Ginji. ;) Something that I rediscovered along my journey this month with the remakes is that they always ask for discipline at 20 minutes after the hour! Kat alerted me to it first and then we realized that I had noticed this back in 2018. :) We've been making lots of great progress with these Tams together. There is so much more mystery to raising these ones than the 1997s. ;) I think we are going to continue to have a lot of fun with these wonderful little tamas. Another thing I noticed back in 2018 was that the P2 teen tongaritchi was missing his teeth! LOL! Yet Tamatchi kept his teeth in the remakes. All kinds of funny little things that I noticed back then... I love Bandai for making these little changes. Tongaritchi looks so funny eating with his missing teeth. Poor fella! :P I must also mention that I've obtained the unhealthy teen only three times so far: twice on the P1, and once on the P2. It is not easy to get him since neglecting leads to premature death. I will be experimenting with this more in the future. For now I am more interested in getting ginji. :) Last night I had all five Tams lined up with us while we watched the documentary Little Miss Innocent on HBO! What a roller coaster that was! I have another documentary lined up for us to watch tonight called Chimp Crazy. That should be an interesting one. ;) It's nice to watch some new stuff since we watch a lot of re-runs! So that is my Tamagotchi situation at the time being! I am very happy to be caring for so many at once. It's just like the old days, only more challenging. I guess you could say it's similar to the master quest in the Zelda Ocarina of Time, hehehe! It's Tamagotchi original P1/P2 - Master Quest! I've been playing a TON of Zelda on both my 3DS and Nintendo switch n64 and I've gotten really good at it. My Tamas sit along on the sidelines as I play! I plan on hatching more Tamas after my older ones pass away, so stay tuned for updates! I leave you with this photo of my current group! They are just soooo cute!
Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |